Frequently Asked Questions


What are the minimum requirements for running MetaView?
Is there a PC version of MetaView?
Is a data subscription required to use MetaView?
Do I need to be online while using MetaView?

What are the minimum requirements for running MetaView?

MetaView currently requires Mac OS 10.5 or higher, 768 megs RAM, and 20 megs of hard drive space for install. MetaView can run on a G4 processor but a G5 or Intel Duo Mac or better is recommended. MetaView is a universal application.

Is there a PC version of MetaView?

We will be releasing a PC version of MetaView soon, click here to be notified when it is available.

Is a data subscription required to use MetaView?

Yes, MetaView is designed to work with an inexpensive data feed. Data is stored locally to speed loading of views with large amounts of data.

Do I need to be online while using MetaView?

No, the majority of features use data stored on your local hard drive, you do of course need to be online when data is being downloaded.